vineri, 21 noiembrie 2008

Cadou de CRACIUN ...

Iar se aproprie Craciunul :), si pe cand noi ne gandim ce cumparaturi sa facem, cum sa aranjam casa, cum sa ne gatim, ce prieteni sa invitam...

Dupa cum am vorbit cu multi dintre VOI... in luna decembrie ma astept sa ma ajutati sa strangem o parte din fondurile necesare... astfel deja exista lista cu cei care vor sa ajute, urmand ca in scurt timp sa incep sa va bat la usi...

Anul acesta m-am asociat cu Oana, one of my best friends si cu Donshoara YOLI . Am fost la doua centre, iar acesta a fost cel unde, fara sa ne vorbim, am stiut ca este "the one" pentru ajutor.

Locul este calduros, doamnele care au grija de ei au un suflet maaaaaare de tot, copiii sunt dulci, te iau totimpul in brate, iti zambesc. Majoritatea sunt institutionalizati, si nu cunosc oameni noi prea des.

Nevoile sunt mari. Am notat cateva din cele necesare, urmand sa completam lista zilele viitoare.

O sa facem o lista ca anul trecut (este un sistem care functioneaza foarte bine pentru ca va puteti implica voi insiva, nu numai sa contribuiti cu bani).

Cand am intrebat-o pe directoarea centrului ce si-ar dori pentru copiii, i s-au luminat ochii, s-a uitat in sus strangand din maini si cu toata bucuria a spus ca si-ar dori sa faca terapie prin muzica (un sistem de boxe in fiecare camera unde sa se auda aceeasi muzica - clasica, astfel potolind copiii si calmandu-i).

Copiii mai au nevoie de haine, ceva aparatura, scaune, jocuri speciale facute de dna psiholog, rechizite, pampersi, evident brad si ornamente. Asta imi amintesc pe moment. Marti o sa am lista completa.

Si sa va prezint pe cativa dintre ei:

El este Johnny. Trebuie sa fie preferatul fetelor (yoli & oana). Personal, Yoli il stie de acum cativa ani, de la un alt centru de langa Arcul de Triumf, unde a dat pachetele cu dulciuri si jucarii. Si l-a amintit instantaneu pentru ca i-a ramas drag de-atunci. Nu i-a venit sa creda ca il vade din nou. Si a crescut asa mult :P

Probabil cel mai grav caz mi s-a parut al acesti fatuce, care are mintea unui copil de 5 luni. Nu vorbeste, doar rade.

Cei doi baieti sunt super tari, sociabili, finuti, coerenti.

In total sunt 35 de locuri la Centrul de zi, dintre care acum 31 sunt ocupate.

Lista se va face (sa vad daca pot) cu numele poza fiecaruia, dezabilitatea si ceea ce au nevoie, si separat nevoile centrului. Astfel, veti putea alege pe cine doriti sa ajutati, ca sa fie totul cat mai personal.

Sincer va spun, nu am mai fost la nici un centru unde sa simt ca este atata nevoie de ajutor cum am simtit aici. (si pentru asta ii multumesc Oanei pentru ca a gasit centrul)

ok.. mai vorbim


marți, 26 august 2008

Top Ten - Things To Do In Bucharest

Top Ten - Things To Do In Bucharest

As always in these cases it is a bit difficult to pinpoint and say: "This is number one thing to do in the city! If you missed that, you may as well go home"As such as we are talking about a large European capital which, we are sure, you have heard controversials about, well then... it means there is much to see. :)Without any more ado, here are the top things you might not want to miss while in Bucharest:

1. Visit the Palace of the Parliament (Romanians call it House of the People) and especially save time for the National Museum of Contemporary Art which is located in one of the building's sectors.

2. Keep this name in mind: Kiseleff. It is the name of the boulevard where you will find the top sightseeings: The Village Museum and the Romanian Peasant's Museum. And since you're here, take into consideration The Museum of Natural History Antipa. When you arrive in Piata Universitatii take your time to visit Palatul Sutu (Sutu Palace) - The Museum of Bucharest.

3. Take a long walk in a park, it's for free. :) We've got: Herastrau Park - the largest of all, in the northern part of the city; Carol Park - a kind of "museum" park with monuments, statues and fountains and Tineretului Park lies nearby - you'll find assimetrical and wild landscape, large fields to play football or baseball. Anyway, whatever you do make sure you take a few steps in Cismigiu Park - it lies in the center of the town and it is the oldest park in Bucharest.

4. Go shopping on Calea Victoriei.

5. Enjoy a Jazz evening in Art Jazz Club.

6. Visit both the Romanian Atheneum and the National Opera but not only on the outside. :) Buy tickets for a concert or classical performance.

7. Definitely save a day for the Royal Palace.

8. Have lunch at the oldest pub in town Caru' cu Bere on Lipscani Street - don't miss Plescoi Sausages (our traditional spicy mutton sausages) and the sweet-sour cabbage! They're awesome. Then visit the whole Historical Center including the ruins of the Voivodal Palace "Curtea Veche."

9. Take a long walk in the residential heighbourhood Cotroceni, eat a delicious hot apple-pie with nut icecream at Museum Restaurant and visit the Cotroceni Palace.

10. Optionally... discover how average Romanians live: travel by bus or tram, walk around the blocks of flats, go shopping in a local market, bargain (if you can) and compare prices, buy fresh fruits and veggies and make sure you enjoy every minute of this. :)

Copyright Metropotam

joi, 17 iulie 2008

My first LOVE dollar

Steve Pavlina (who is the man) wrote an article called “How To Earn Your First Love Dollar“. In it, he poses the question,

“If you really commit yourself to the idea, can you earn $1 from doing something you love?”

He then goes on to say,

“Very often people who are stuck in the pattern of doing work they dislike will shun simple opportunities to earn small amounts of money doing something they love.”

Hm. Stuck in a pattern of doing work I dislike? Check. Shun simple opportunities to earn small amounts of money doing something I love? Well…I don’t know about shun, but - no - I haven’t actually presented the opportunity. Um. Check, I guess.

I give myself plenty of opportunities to get paid for work I am pretty good at, but don’t care about. And because I don’t care, I never push for more. I don’t care if I do it again or not, and I simply move on to the next ‘opportunity’.

What do I love? What do I care about? I love writing; I love helping people; I love this blog.

Steve Pavlina, you have thrown down the gauntlet, and I will meet your challenge, sir! The goal? Make a dollar doing something I love. This is where you come in. If you enjoy the awesomeness of My Visual Arts Studio, please donate a lil’ somethin’ somethin’.

If 100 people would donate a penny, or 10 people donate a dime, if 4 people donate a quarter, or if 1 person donates a dollar - I will have met my goal…making a dollar doing something I love.

And since I would never leave my beloved readers high and dry, after I make my love dollar I will post a video of me dancing. That’s right. Me. Dancing. This way I get paid a dollar for doing two things I love! Because efficiency is awesome.

Even if you don’t donate, I think this would be amazing to try in your own life. A dollar. For doing something you love. Can’t be that hard…right? I would lovelovelove to know how you earned your ‘love dollar’. Please come back and share what is sure to be a pretty interesting story!

© PERSISTENT ILLUSION (but I liked it so much)